
To define Thai cuisine is difficult. It is more apropos perhaps to state what is a blending and all amalgam of this cuisine with more than a trace of other ethnic represented as well.
In Thai, dinner invitation translates to come and eat rice. Virtually all dishes are served with rice and primary aim of a thoughtful Thai cook is to present a meal which is rich in contrast, in texture, flavor, color, shape, aroma, and aftertaste all served against a background of the main dish rice.
To order a typically Thai dinner, rice is the centerpiece of any Thai dinner. Surrounding the rice would be four or five dishes depending on the number of diners and the elaborateness of the household. These side dishes could include fish, meat, vegetables, and a salad or noodle dish.
You would take rice on your plate or soup dish and make your own selections from the dishes arranged around the rice one at a time. The idea is for you to combine each flavor or sauce with your choice of fish or meat mix it with rice, alternate with soup or fresh vegetables and each whatever you will, until you are satisfied.